Laura Silcock

My words can
change your fortunes.
I love that.

It’s no surprise I enjoy the whole process of writing, from meticulous research to painstaking proofing. But what really lights my fire is the difference great copywriting or a new tone of voice can make to your success. 

Stories that
gel and sell

I started out in PR, which was a great way to learn how to find and tell a story – to package, promote and sell. Attracting the attention of editors deluged with press releases is tough, so I learnt to write clearly and persuasively.

Rules of

My PR days are long gone, but they set me up well as a copywriter. Whatever I’m writing, I focus on telling a story people are interested in, and bringing out a personality they’re attracted to.

Because once someone's hooked into you and your story, they're more likely to become not just a customer but a loyal customer.

Ten reasons
you’ll be glad
you chose me

I am:

  1. Focused on results – I write copy and content that’s carefully crafted to help you meet your objectives.
  2. Easy to work with – I’m friendly, professional and get on with the job.
  3. Experienced – since 1997 I’ve written for a huge range of industries, from food to finance.
  4. Perceptive – however sketchy the brief, I combine insight and intelligent questioning to get to the bottom of what you need.
  5. Good at what I do – people keep coming back for more and recommending me.
  6. Great value – you get hardworking copy or content at a sensible price.
  7. Flexible – I’ll join at any point, from establishing tone of voice to writing original copy or editing or proofreading your work or AI’s.
  8. Reliable – I respond quickly, keep you informed with progress and hit the deadline.
  9. Honest – if I think it would be better to do something differently, I’ll tell you.
  10. Super organised – a big fan of lists and spreadsheets, I keep on top of any project, no matter how complicated.

What my clients say

I absolutely love working with Laura, and she is the first copywriter I go to every time, whatever the brief. If I had to describe Laura in three words they would be: trustworthy, speedy and honest! She also happens to be totally lovely with it.
Kirstie Smith, account manager, First 10
Laura was an invaluable support to the creative team at IONA, understanding the brief and interpreting the buyers’ trends. Her speedy response to both our and the client's requests meant we could turn the designs around quickly – just what you need in today's ever-changing retail market.
Catriona Moore, managing director, IONA Design
We approached Laura as a recommendation following a total rebrand. She very quickly grasped exactly what we were looking for and pretty much got it right first time. She's very easy to deal with and delivers as promised every time without the need for chasing. I would readily recommend Laura to any business.
Marcus Glover, managing director, ninesharp

Let’s talk about how I can help you